JLU #6 - The Infinitus Saga Part 2 of 5! Where have all the editors gone?
Released November 12, 2014 DC Comics, Color 25 Pages The Infinitus Saga Part 2 of 5 Jeff Lemire - Writer Neil Edwards - Artist Jay Listen - Inker Jeremy Cox - Colorist Travis Lanham - Letterer Amedeo Turturro - Assistant Editor Brian Cunningham - Group Editor Synopsis Beneath the surface, in the Canadian JLU bunker, the alien Ultra and Equinox sit in safety while a battle rages. They have small talk and get to know each other a little better, with Equinox telling Ultra that he's the first alien she's ever met. Ultra touches Miyaabin's hand. Cut to the surface, where we see the battle between the combined forces of part of the Justice League United and part of the Legion of super heroes versus some super-powered henchmen of Byth. Whew, we have a bit roll call here: JLU/LSH: Martian Manhunter,Green Arrow,Supergirl,Animal Man,Stargirl,Alanna Strange,Adam Strange,Equinox,Ultra the Multi-Alien,Mon-El,Brainiac 5,Saturn Girl,Phantom Girl Villains: Shrike,Overmaster,Sha...