
Showing posts from April, 2023

The Abnett & Lanning Reboot Legion - A look back

  I first started this effort of reviewing the post-Legion Lost Abnett & Lanning Legion works after examining my own extreme negative reaction in an online poll about how long DnA should have been allowed to write the Legion.   I voted on it after having read all the reboot up to LSH 125 just prior. I had read the full run of DnA back in the day (not in real-time though), and just remembered checking out in the latter half of the first year's issues. One world-busting, character-morphing event after another that did not include any of the characters I loved just seemed to leave me cold. But I was vehement and voted that DnA should never have touched the book. If I'm being honest, I still would wonder what a different creative team would have done; the book needed shaking up, but I am still not convinced it needed 5 years of DnA. By the end of the journey, I started appreciating what they did a lot more, but I do think they were on the title for much too long. Abnett &

The Legion #38 - Reboot's End

Released August 25, 2004 DC Comics, Color 22 Pages For No Better Reason Part Four - Moebius Strip Gail Simone Girl - Writer Dan Jurgens Lad - Breakdowns Kid Andy Smith - Finishes Sno Cone 5.1 - Colors Rob Leigh 'Onel - Letters Timber Wacker - Editor Synopsis In Metropolis, the streets are still burning and Trudy's still journaling. Canary is trying to wake up Dreamer and spells out the whole scheme - the destruction of Legion World and the Kwai gates - as she brews tea on a makeshift stove.  Outside in the streets, the crowds are getting restless and mob rule is starting to descend.  Umbra sweeps in and takes out a team of would-be looters. Brainy tries to convince Umbra to not get distracted by the mobs and focus on her main task. Violet is putting out fires. Devil watches. Trudy triages the injured and finds inspiration in Tinya.   On Oasis One, Persuader attempts to leave with his daughter, but suggests an alternative to Val - he'll return to his cell on the condition th