
Legion of Super Heroes v5 #39 - Evil Adventus Part 3! Karate Kid gets lucky! Yes, in THAT way!

  Released February 27, 2008 DC Comics, Color 24 Pages Evil Adventus Part 3: Downfall Jim Shooter - Writer Francis Manapul - Penciller Livesay - Inker Jo Smith - Colorist Mike Marts - Editor Synopsis Projectra goes to a castle in Metropolis; presumably an embassy or home, only to find it guarded.  She terrorizes the guards to get in, only to find Councilwoman Sydne Ardeen waiting for her in an empty house - everything taken because of Projectra's massive debts. Sydne gives Projectra a choice - accept her advice and behave or continue to have outbursts and face the consequences.   At HQ, a mysterious figure is at the monitor board. Back on Triton, Imra and Brin are looking for their Invisible Kid, who soon arrives with Star Boy. The natives emerge from shelter to find their city in rubble. Brin talke to Giselle while the city manager rants to the media about the Legion and the freaks in their midst. Brin snaps and goes after the City Manager, but is stopped by Imra, who stops Brin a

Legion of Super Heroes v5 #38 - Evil Adventus Part 2!

Released January 23, 2008 DC Comics, Color 22 Pages Evil Adventus Part 2: Cataclysm Jim Shooter - Writer Francis Manapul - Penciller Livesay - Inker Nathan Eyring - Colorist Mike Marts - Editor Synopsis The mysterious snowboarder wakes up from hibernation on Triton while the Legion squad of Saturn Girl, Star Boy and Timber Wolf fights on, with Invisible Kid MIA. Imra grabs a blaster and blasts a bunch of aliens while the other two are joined by the newcomer, named Giselle, easily taking care of business. They seemingly defeat the aliens, who then start to adapt into sturdier opponents.  At HQ, Lightning Lad, Light Lass and Phantom Girl try to raise the team on Triton. Ayla tells Garth he needs to be tactful in his new political position. The UP comes by with some new, politically connected, recruits. Garth & co try them out and none of them seem to have any useful powers. Garth loses his temper in dismissing them and also angers the UP. He then meets latecomer M'Rissey The figh

Legion of Super Heroes v5 #37 - Shooter's Return!

Released December 26, 2007 DC Comics, Color 23 Pages Evil Adventus Part 1: Conflict Jim Shooter - Writer Francis Manapul - Penciller Livesay - Inker Nathan Eyring - Colorist Mike Marts - Editor Synopsis The first page is striking - in both art and situation. Trip's situation and the faceoff of Val and the monster is definitely attention grabbing.  He punched through the creature completely while his arm is broken. Trip is out of commission being overpowered - Val think she should never have been sent. Garth seems distracted when Tinya calls him.  At HQ he's quite overwhelmed with Leader duties, even as his sister helps him.  Imra, Thom, Brin (looking normal) and Lyle are on Triton to help stave off an impending attack, but no one does anything. Imra calls her mother. At HQ, Garth is still dealing with random requests when Val smashes Garth's robotic concierge. Val is upset about the situation he and Trip were in, then promptly collapses.  Garth calls a mostly naked Tinya to

Supergirl and the Legion of Super Heroes v5 #36 - Supergirl returns home and the Legion gets a new leader by Default!

Released November 28, 2007 DC Comics, Color 23 Pages The Quest for Cosmic Boy - Epilogue Tony Bedard - Writer Dennis Calero - Artist Nathan Eyring - Colorist Mike Marts - Editor Synopsis Saturn Girl tries to focus on the primordial mind of Evolvo Lad after he has taken out Supergirl and Lightning Lad, but there's not much to control. So she works to revive Supergirl. The sequence is narrated where Imra is addressing Brainiac 5 in the future as some kind of a debrief.  She notes how much Supergirl loves the Legion.  Supergirl tries to get Brainy to help, eventually forcing her authority for him to help, but he effectively hangs up on her. Garth zaps the ground beneath Evolvo Lad and he falls into the structure below, right into a ring that also has another circular portal view that shows 21st century Earth and a fight between Black Adam and the Marvel family.  She recognizes that her friends are in trouble. Supergirl threatens to destroy the machine, prompting Evolvo Lad to re-evolv

Supergirl and the Legion of Super Heroes v5 #35 - ERG-onomics part 2!! More Wildfire!

  Released October 31, 2007 DC Comics, Color 23 Pages The Quest for Cosmic Boy: E.R.G.Onomics Part 2 of 2 Tony Bedard - Writer Dennis Calero - Artist Nathan Eyring - Colorist Mike Marts - Editor Synopsis We pick up right from the end of issue 34, with feral, powered up Timber Wolf going after ERG-1. Tasmia accuses Brainy of deliberately powering up Brin.  Over the comm link, Randall is upset with Drake for not being able to take out Brin. Tasmia and Salu note that Drake is talking to Randall and ask Brainy to monitor the signal, which he already has done.  ERG-1 is unable to blast TWolf, but does kick him away, so Shadow Lass takes him on. Atom Girl also assumes Brainy is behind ERG-1, but Brainy asks for patience. She jumps into the president's office and notices the land line on the president's desk.  Drake knocks out Tasmia while his brother Randall keeps barking orders over the comm channel. He goes into the presidential office and we get to the scene with Atom Girl that is

Supergirl and the Legion of Super Heroes v5 #34 - WILDFIRE!

Released September 26, 2007 DC Comics, Color 23 Pages The Quest for Cosmic Boy: E.R.G.Onomics Tony Bedard - Writer Dennis Calero - Penciller Robin Riggs - Inker Nathan Eyring - Colorist Mike Marts - Editor (Credits are assumed, as the digital version had them omitted.) Synopsis Wildfire as an assassin!  Say it aint so! Wildfire tries to kill the Lallorian President while Atom Girl wants to flirt with Wildfire.  We then spin back three hours as Atom Girl, Shadow Lass and Timber Wolf fight off Lallorian troops while the real assassins plot to unleash ERG-1. Brin and Vi capture a Lallorian soldier and the civil war has moved from Adults v Kids to Pro v Anti UP. They leverage Tasmia's status to transform this into a diplomatic visit.  In a dark room, Randall talks to Drake, who is suspended in his ERG tank. Randall transfers Drake into his suit and gives him the floorplans to the president's office. The Legion arrives at the Presidential office; Brin and Tasmia talk to the presiden

Supergirl and the Legion of Super Heroes v5 #33 - Lord of Lightning Part 2

Released August 22, 2007 DC Comics, Color 23 Pages The Quest for Cosmic Boy: Lord of Lightning Part 2 of 2 Tony Bedard - Writer Dennis Calero - Artist Nathan Eyring - Colorist Mike Marts - Editor Synopsis On Earth, Brainiac 5 is frustrated with coddling the search teams on Earth and Lallor, but has lost contact with the team on Winath - Mekt, Thom and Dirk - due to an electrical storm. On Winath, the Ranzz parents and a hooded figure (the town mayor, all apparently brainwashed) try to zap the team with lightning powers they shouldn't have. Thom weighs them down to take them out, but the mayor zaps him.  Mekt and Dirk retreat. Tenzil eats his way out of the grain silo he was trapped in.  The Wanderers bother Brainy about Mekt's status as they are concerned they can't track him and Vrax thinks the whole point is to make Mekt look bad (not that that's hard). On Winath, the culty townsfolk take Star Boy away. Mekt realizes that bioelectrical capabilities could be faked via