
Justice League United - Future's End #1 - The Infinitus Saga begins!

Released September 10, 2014 DC Comics, Color 23 Pages Homeworld Part 1 of 2 Jeff Lemire - Writer Jed Dougherty- Artist Gabe Eltaeb - Colorist Dezi Senty - Letterer Editor - Rickey Purdin Group Editor - Eddie Berganza Synopsis Five years from now, on the James Bay Ice road in Northern Canada, a trucker drives through the snowy road and encounters several bored out Polar Bears controlled by The Poltergeists, who raids resources in Canada.  This is broken up by the hero Equinox who easily neutralizes Poltergeist.  She suddenly gets a psychic message from Martian Manhunter who is in trouble on Mars.  She flies away to meet Animal Man in California, who has also had the vision of J'onn. Animal Man refuses to help, but refers Equinox to the Justice League.   Equinox arrives at The Fortress of Justice in New Mexico to meet with Cyborg, Vostok, Flash, Stormguard and Dawnstar - The Justice League United.  They determine that J'onn may be held captive by the prisoner...

The Brave and the Bold #6 - The Lords of Luck Chapter 6: The Girl Who Knew Too Much

Released August 15, 2007 DC Comics, Color 21 Pages The Lords of Luck Chapter 6: The Girl Who Knew Too Much Mark Waid & George Perez - Storytellers Scott Koblish - Inks Tom Smith - Colors Rob Leigh - Letters Stephanie Buscema - Asst. Editor Joey Cavalieri - Editor Synopsis The Luck Lords talk to what’s left of the Legion (Brainiac 5 and Invisible Kid) as they explain that the future died 1000 years ago, with a picture of Hal Jordan, Adam Strange and Supergirl impaled on a green device based on a plan from “a millennium ago and 25 trillion miles away”.   Robo-Thanagarians hold Batman, Lyle and Brainy captive while the Luck Lord monologues over the presumably dead bodies of Saturn Girl, Colossal Boy, Triplicate Girl, Chameleon, Element Lad, Phantom Girl and Ultra Boy.   Wow, a lot has happened since the last issue!   Anyway, the Luck Lord spills the deets on the plot: In the 21st century Thanagar and Rann are at war with the Thanagarians having an overwhelming edge due t...

The Brave and the Bold #5 - The Lords of Luck! Batman and the Legion!

Released July 18, 2007 DC Comics, Color 23 Pages The Lords of Luck, Chapter 5 - The Batman of Tomorrow Mark Waid & George Perez - Storytellers Bob Wiacek - Inks Tom Smith - Colors Rob Leigh - Letters Stephanie Buscema - Asst. Editor Joey Cavalieri - Editor Synopsis A merged Batman/Tharok wakes with the Batman half disoriented while the Tharok half explains that they are in the hands of the Legion of Super Heroes in the 31st century. Brainiac 5 is working to separate the two into their own bodies and explains the utopia of the 31st century to Batman - they have the amazing power to do anything with one exception: Time Travel. Invisible Kid fanboys all over Batman and asks how he came to the 31st century with the Fatal Five (where they were found by the Legion in issue #4). Batman does a one panel flashback explaining the device called the Haruspex not only merged him with Tharok (in issue #3) but then also transported them to the 31st century. Chameleon is running diagnostics on the...

Legion of Super Heroes v5 #50 - Hack The Infinity Net! The END of the THREEBOOT!

Released January 28, 2009 DC Comics, Color 24 Pages Hack The Infinity Net! - Enemy Manifest Conclusion Justin Thyme - Writer Ramon Bachs - Penciller John Livesay - Inker Jo Smith - Colorist Mike Marts - Editor Synopsis Invasion! The intruders have begun a mass invasion of the UP with planets appearing in every major UP system, creating major problems. Many Legionnaires are deployed across the UP, leaving Brainy, Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, Atom Girl, Ultra Boy, Gazelle, and Star Boy left to defend Earth. They all get zapped (literally) into the Infinity Net, except for Invisible Kid who wants some enhancements to his avatar. The Legionnaires appear in the virtual world, including a beefed up Lyle whom Gazelle fawns over. In moments they are swarmed by defenders. In the Net's HQ, the leaders of the aliens confer with the newly digitized Minister Lafong, who offers to act as a mediator. She then gives the backstory - they remade themselves digitally and eradicate life in the universe...

Legion of Super Heroes v5 #49 - One Evil! And one last decent issue before THE END!!!

Released December 31, 2008 DC Comics, Color 23 Pages One Evil - Enemy Manifest Part 4 Jim Shooter - Writer Francis Manapul - Penciller Livesay - Inker Jo Smith - Colorist Mike Marts - Editor Synopsis In a hidden fortress deep in the depths of ancient Metropolis, Projectra/Imperiatrix trains in hand to hand combat. She mentally triggers her trainer to attack her, and she easily dispatches him. At Legion HQ, Saturn Girl and Phantom Girl share a meal and talk about what to do about Projectra.  Timber Wolf overhears and threatens them to stay away from her. As he stalks away, Tinya suggests that they tell Lightning Lad.  Imra resists, saying that they may need Brin for the upcoming conflict. Then she whines about her own cheating. Lightning Lad and Invisible Kid confer about strategy around the invaders.  Brainy tests out his Data Ripper by scanning a sandwich that Sizzle promptly eats. Brainy plans to go to the Intruder Planet for an espionage mission. Elsewhere in HQ, Eleme...

Legion of Super Heroes v5 #48 - Enemy Manifest Part 3 - The Edge of Doom, featuring Legion try-outs! Also, Shooter is apparently is a boob man.

Released November 26, 2008 DC Comics, Color 22 Pages The Edge of Doom: Enemy Manifest Part 3 - The Edge Of Doom! Jim Shooter - Writer Francis Manapul - Penciller Livesay - Inker Nathan Eyring - Colorist Mike Marts - Editor Synopsis As the UP prepares to receive a delegation from the intruder planet, alarms go off in Legion HQ to be on alert.  M'Rissey suggests tryouts, and candidates are already arranged and waiting: Turtle, Sizzle, Night Girl and Gazelle. Gazelle is up first and demonstrates her powers.  Night Girl is next and she thrashes Ultra Boy as a demonstration, at the cost of falling out of her uniform.  Sizzle and Turtle begin a joint demonstration, but are interrupted by the return of Sun Boy, who joins in. The Legion debates the new candidates, with the exception of Projectra who left when Sun Boy arrived. He leads Terror Firma, who destroyed Orando prior to his tenure. Sun Boy is able to sit in on this discussion. He explains that he couldn't make Terror Firm...

Legion of Super Heroes v5 #47 - Dream Girl saves an otherwise dreary issue...

Released October 29, 2008 DC Comics, Color 24 Pages Dream Wedding, Blind Love Jim Shooter - Writer Rick Leonardi - Penciller Dan Green - Inker JD Smith - Colorist Mike Marts - Editor Synopsis Brainy is analyzing the alien tool that Cham replicated while Dream Girl hangs out with him in the lab.  Turns out the tool is a data ripper, not a gun. Brainy creates a functional version based on the copy and an alien destroyer grows out of it, attacking them both.  Brainy zaps it out via a wormhole, and is concerned that Nura is hurt, but of course, it's only a dream.  Brainy goes to Lightning Lad to confer about the intruder planet and recommends an Espionage squad mission.  In the rec room, Projectra has Phantom Girl retell the comic book story of the original Brainiac, but changing the ending so that he defeats Superman.  In New Orleans, a disguised Brainy visits a woman named Meander to talk about Dream Girl, but she's already talked to Meander in her own dreams. He ...