Justice League United Annual #1 - The Infinitus Saga Begins!!!
Released September 17, 2014 DC Comics, Color 37 Pages The Infinitus Saga Part 1 of 5 Jeff Lemire - Writer Neil Edwards - Penciller Jay Leisten - Inker Jeromy Cox - Colorist Dezi Sienty & Taylor Esposito - Letterers Amedeo Turturro - Assistant Editor Brian Cunningham - Editor Synopsis Mon-El crashes into the Justice League United HQ in Moosonee, Ontario, where he threatens the being named Ultra, who is guarded by Martian Manhunter, Equinox and Alanna Strange. If the child is not destroyed, the Legion will die! J'Onn immediately starts to fight Mon-El. Alanna tries to hold Mon-El at gunpoint, when she vanishes and Adam Strange unexpectedly takes her place. He picks up the gun and tries to shoot Mon-El, but he easily overpowers Adam. Equinox temporarily freezes Mon-el as she gets Adam up to speed on where the rest of the team is (outer space). Mon escapes and again threatens to kill Ultra. Meanwhile, the rest of the JLU is in the Polaris system tracking down Hawkman's signa...