The Legion #10 - Review!

Released July 24, 2002
DC Comics, Color
22 Pages


Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning - Writers
Day 1 - Kev Walker - Pencils
Day 2 - Kalman Andrasofszky - Pencils
Day 3 - Oliver Coipel - Pencils
Andy Lanning - Inks
Jason Wright - Colors
Comicraft - Letters
Mike McAvennie - Editor


Day One - A threshold opens on Xanthu.  Shikari, Triad, Sensor and Kid Quantum step out.  Jazmin is horrified at what's left of the place. Something approaches them fast, and it turns out to be XS with Star Boy soon after.  There are apparently still thousands of people on the planet.  Jazmin wishes that she could have been there to help Xanthu.  Thom wants to hear news of Earth. 

We get a quick update via Chuck channel surfing on Legion World as Winema Wazzo is sworn in as UP President.  Ultra Boy is not happy. Rokk calls a meeting of the Legion.  Its great to see, honestly. The purpose is to hold an election, and the winner is.... Kid Quantum!!  Rokk gives Jazmin a pep talk.  Ayla has concerns about Jazmin being leader. Imra says it should be a founder and gets awkward mentioning Garth.  Ayla interrupts the congratulations to announce that she will be Live Wire in honor of Garth.  And gives a backhanded congratulations to Jazmin.  

Brainy and Shvaughn are on earth examining the capsule containing Ra's. The terrorforms have gathered in downtown Metropolis for some reason, and apparently one fifth of the population are little soccer balls.  They look in on Zoe to continue the exposition. Brainy says that he thinks Robotica is months away.  

It looks as if Legion World has turned into a transportation hub for Threshold travel. Ayla and Tasmia are heading out on their respective trips home. Cham told Ayla that Tasmia lost her powers, and Ayla tells Tasmia she's sorry, and Tasmia bites Ayla's head off. Ayla heads home and meets Mekt. They hold hands walking back to the house to tell their parents the news about Garth.

Back at Legion World, Jazmin is summoned to the command deck while in the shower. The Terrorforms have taken off and are spreading themselves around the world. 

Day 2 - Invisible Kid welcomes Sharn Nux from Colu to Legion World to help with the Robotican threat. Jo writes a letter to Imra about the kiss in Legion Lost. Imra walks into his room and they talk about them NOT being in love with each other.  Then the alert sounds.  Robotica is on the way and this is likely why the Terrorforms deployed.  Nux's plan is to deploy navy forces to intercept Robotica, led by the Legion.  Jazmin confronts Winema about her sudden support and Winema says she was wrong about the Legion.  Rokk gives Jazmin a pep talk. Chuck looks on grinning. RJ tells Vi that he's stepping into the background. 

In Metropolis, in the Science Police detention center, Venge talks with Tharok, activating something within him that makes his robotic side take over and come alive.  

Day 3 - The UP fleet is at Legion World and ready to deploy. Jazmin gives the order and the fleet thresholds out.  Jazmin leaves Triad the conn and the Legion heads out.  Brainy contacts Legion World to let them know that Tharok has broken out of detention and is infecting the area with Robotican technology.  

Kid Quantum orders Imra to try and read the Roboticans telepathically, and Ayla has a problem with that, so she and Jazmin butt heads about the strategy and code names. Robotica approaches and just before the fleet can fire - it vanishes. Triad calls the team - Robotica has suddenly turned all of Earth into a machine.


This was a pretty good issue.  After the last issue, I feel like we are back on track with the overall narrative here. In this issue we seem to be in a prep phase, getting ready for the new Robotica story.  The three day coverage of the pre-Robotica events clipped along and although there may have been a bit too much exposition at points, the story clipped along with a lot of really good moments.  Getting Jenni and Thom back is great, and Jazmin's reaction to the state of Xanthu was perfect.  It's great to finally see a Legion meeting and an election no less!  I like the choice of having Jazmin as team leader, as she shows her reluctance and insecurity, yet is still determined to do the job. Ayla and Imra have bad attitudes here, though.  But the mention of Garth here made me think that Rokk should have started the meeting with some kid of acknowledgement of Garth's sacrifice.  They were best friends and I don't think Rokk has said a word about Garth yet. The sudden misdirection about the attack at the end was an interesting choice. 

The art here wasn't great.  I'm not sure that there was a reason for this approach, but we only had Coipel for the shortest section of the book, and I didn't like the faces drawn by the guest artists.  Also this is the second issue without Tom McCraw, and that may be part of the equation here. 

Other notes - Wasn't Trudy turned into a football when Zoe was turned into a Terrorform?  We're specifically told here that the footballs are still around.

Neat to see Vi hanging with Thom in the meeting room - I thought they had a nice relationship in the Reboot.  

That whole thing with Ayla and Imra was just... odd.  And yet another showcase of tactless Imra. Sheesh. Neither character comes off well here.

Of COURSE Brainy voted for himself LOL

Cham blabbed to Ayla?  So is their relationship on or not?

Cute moment with Gear, Jazmin and Sensor on the bridge!

That moment with Jo and Imra was weird, especially with the letter.  I'm guessing he was going to write what he said?  Jo isn't that complicated, but he IS a ladies man.

Good to see that Winema is sick of all the Earth bashing going on lately.  But she does a rather sudden about face on the Legion.  

Nice little Rokk/Jazmin moment there.  

Winema looks like Chu the way she's drawn here.

Overall Grade - B.  Good interstitial story with some nice moments but nothing earth shattering (that's next issue.  Again.) Some odd choices with characters and the art knocks it down. 


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