The Legion Secret Files 3003 - I read it so you don't have to.

Released November 19, 2003 DC Comics, Color 33 Pages Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning - Writers Leonard Kirk, Tony Harris, Tom Feister- Pencils Tony Harris, Robin Riggs, Tom Feister- Inks Comicraft? - Letters Stephen Wacker - Editor Synopsis Darkseid's minions fly through space while Trudy Trusoe begins a broadcast about the Legion starting in Metropolis and moving to Legion World via Shikari. Trudy narrates her experience as tags appear identifying the Legionnaires and providing background information. In the threshold chamber, she meets Kid Quantum, Cosmic Boy and Saturn Girl. They provide a recap of the Legion's founding and Jazmin gives Trudy a flight ring. They go to the command deck and get information on Triad, Gear, Chuck and XS. The Medbay has Gym'll, Apparition, Ultra Boy and Cub. Next stop is the "Clubhouse" bar, where we see Timber Wolf, Wildfire, Ferro, Starboy, Dreamer and Umbra carousing with a host of Scifi easter eggs. Trudy, Rokk and Jazmin sit ...