
Showing posts from July, 2024

Supergirl and the Legion of Super Heroes v5 #29 - Extinction Event!

Released April 25, 2007 DC Comics, Color 23 Pages Extinction Event! Tony Bedard - Writer Kevin Sharpe - Penciller Mark McKenna & Jack Purcell - Inkers Nathan Eyring - Colorist Mike Marts - Editor Synopsis This issue focuses quite a bit on the lead Dominator scientist that is responsible for the new Dominator super soldiers. Via narration, we get interesting insight into the Dominator culture of superiority and how this scientist wanted to protect the Dominion from unforeseen weakness. Cut to the Legion/Wanderer force on the Dominion homeworld cleaning up the Dominators, who keep chanting "remember the 52." Lightning Lad asks why they keep saying it, and I'm right there with you, bud. But luckily the scientist's narration gives us the skinny. 1000 years prior, the Dominion's plans to overrun earth were foiled by the Justice League. Over the years, the Dominion isolated and even signed a non-agression treaty with the humans. Then Booster Gold shows up from the p

Supergirl and the Legion of Super Heroes v5 #28 - No, THIS is the best Threeboot issue!

Released April 4, 2007 DC Comics, Color 23 Pages Mark Waid - Writer Barry Kitson - Penciller Mick Gray & Jimmy Palmiotti - Inkers Nathan Eyring - Colorist Mike Marts - Editor Synopsis Dream Boy floats alone in a void, soon visited by Dream Girl to give him some future advice. In Metropolis, Mon-El looks for any sign of Cosmic Boy, but is feeling feverish as the effects of the lead serum start to wear off. Brainy is upset because all avenues of getting any kinds of resources are held by the Dominators or the AI virus they've released, resulting in citizens starving or at risk. Elsewhere, Jeckie and Shady care for a wounded Brin Londo, along with two Wanderers, a telekinetic and someone who appears to be Polar Boy.  A robot bursts into their room and is handily dispatched by a worn down Ultra Boy, who promptly collapses.  At the former site of HQ (the second one destroyed), Phantom Girl and a couple Wanderers discuss the last ditch plan as they look for something.  In Paris, Cosm

Supergirl and the Legion of Super Heroes v5 #27 - Remember the 52? I sure don't.

Released February 28, 2007 DC Comics, Color 22 Pages Mark Waid - Writer Barry Kitson - Penciller Mick Gray - Inker Nathan Eyring - Colorist Stephen Wacker - Editor Synopsis This issue takes a decidedly Dominator-focused narrative to start, with much of the story told through their eyes. The Dominators mark the progress of their conquest of Earth even as they talk to Sun Boy and the remnants of Terror Firma about their plan - the infusion of super-power DNA into Dominators. On Earth, the Science Police are trying to figure out the best way to evacuate the UP delegates. All technology has been taken over by the Dominator AI Virus and is acting with a mind of its own - mainly to kill humans. Mekt could care less about them but Cos makes the point that saving them could gain political cred. Lyle tries to save a delegate being thrown to their death, but his flight ring explodes, severing his arm. One of the Wandered stands by to help Lyle.  Cos and Cham get a load of delegates to a portal i

Supergirl and the Legion of Super Heroes v5 #26 - We don't need no STEENKING credits!!!

Released January 24, 2007 DC Comics, Color 22 Pages Assumed credits based on the cover (digital copy has no credit page): Mark Waid - Writer Barry Kitson - Penciller Mick Gray - Inker Synopsis Plant lad is being bullied by Brin, Projectra, Shadow Lass and Colossal Boy after the events of the last issue. Kara, Rokk, Imra, Garth and Brainy find the kidnapped Legionnaires and bust in on the meeting. It quickly becomes the Ranzz family reunion as he sees Mekt and Ayla. Mekt's plan was to trick the Legion into releasing Mon-El so that Brainy could solve the problem of Mon-El's lead poisoning.  Mekt bullrushes taking over the combined team despite Rokk's protests, showing the robot uprisings elsewhere via Jeyra. Mon and Kara head to Tokyo with Jo and Brainy, burrowing through the Earth.  While this is happening, Garth and Mekt verbally spar while Ayla warns the Wanderers about Mekt's instability and tenedncy towards suicide runs and martyrdom while giving us the 3boot version