Supergirl and the Legion of Super Heroes v5 #27 - Remember the 52? I sure don't.

Released February 28, 2007
DC Comics, Color
22 Pages

Mark Waid - Writer
Barry Kitson - Penciller
Mick Gray - Inker
Nathan Eyring - Colorist
Stephen Wacker - Editor


This issue takes a decidedly Dominator-focused narrative to start, with much of the story told through their eyes. The Dominators mark the progress of their conquest of Earth even as they talk to Sun Boy and the remnants of Terror Firma about their plan - the infusion of super-power DNA into Dominators.

On Earth, the Science Police are trying to figure out the best way to evacuate the UP delegates. All technology has been taken over by the Dominator AI Virus and is acting with a mind of its own - mainly to kill humans. Mekt could care less about them but Cos makes the point that saving them could gain political cred. Lyle tries to save a delegate being thrown to their death, but his flight ring explodes, severing his arm. One of the Wandered stands by to help Lyle.  Cos and Cham get a load of delegates to a portal in the forest that Plant Lad has created in Metropolis. 

Brainy and his Coluan Wanderer sidekick open a portal, but the Dominators see and send in a Legion of their own warriors. Mekt and Garth use their powers to hold off the invaders as they argue about leadership.  The delegates start to go through the portal but its unstable and several delegates are casualties. Everything starts to fall apart as the Legion/Wanderer group retreats. Garth and Mekt reunite defending some Delegates, but Cos is crushed by several Dominator warriors.

We also get a memorial to Dave Cockrum following his death on November 26, 2006 that showcases some designs and Dave's story told through several Legionnaires, along with some notes from Barry Kitson, Jim Shooter and Paul Levitz.


A short, but solid issue. The memorial shortens the story considerably, and the story really moves quick, so its a very fast read.  We quickly get up to speed on the Dominators' plans, but not their motives - all we are left with is references to "The 52" - the series of which was on sale at that time or just before.  I'll be honest here - I did not read one issue of any of that, so it seems that this is the Legion's way of crossing over to the mainstream DCU in the threeboot, but I know nothing of what "The 52" actually consisted of.

The sense of jeopardy in this issue is what really keeps things moving.  Once we get the skinny on the Dominators - they want to make a supersoldier - the devastation of the AI virus is told quickly by a robot throwing a delegate out a window, followed immediately by Lyle having his arm blown off. Then the race to the portals, which also malfunction made everything hustle.  It did make me wonder - is Imra's mom ok?  She's usually first in line for this stuff. 

I love this Vi - "I wouldn't follow that guy across the street" when referring to Mekt. Cos' wish for speedsters is interesting, as is his sorting of "Blasters" and "Flyers".  What was stopping Waid from re-using XS in the threeboot? 

I think Theena may be my favorite Legionnaire character from the threeboot after Vi & Ayla.

The conversation betwen Garth and Mekt is one of the most meaningful that I've seen ever in the Legion without Mekt being a raging lunatic or neutered. Mekt being scared about losing the folks following him is pretty profound given the lecture from Ayla we got last issue. The other interesting thing here is Garth talking about hunting for Mekt "all these years."  More backstory we never received here, but actually had in the reboot.  

Also, the Cockrum memorial was just great. RIP, Dave.

Grade = A. 


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