
Showing posts from October, 2024

Legion of Super Heroes v5 #39 - Evil Adventus Part 3! Karate Kid gets lucky! Yes, in THAT way!

  Released February 27, 2008 DC Comics, Color 24 Pages Evil Adventus Part 3: Downfall Jim Shooter - Writer Francis Manapul - Penciller Livesay - Inker Jo Smith - Colorist Mike Marts - Editor Synopsis Projectra goes to a castle in Metropolis; presumably an embassy or home, only to find it guarded.  She terrorizes the guards to get in, only to find Councilwoman Sydne Ardeen waiting for her in an empty house - everything taken because of Projectra's massive debts. Sydne gives Projectra a choice - accept her advice and behave or continue to have outbursts and face the consequences.   At HQ, a mysterious figure is at the monitor board. Back on Triton, Imra and Brin are looking for their Invisible Kid, who soon arrives with Star Boy. The natives emerge from shelter to find their city in rubble. Brin talke to Giselle while the city manager rants to the media about the Legion and the freaks in their midst. Brin snaps and goes after the City Manager, but is stopped by Imra, who stops Brin a

Legion of Super Heroes v5 #38 - Evil Adventus Part 2!

Released January 23, 2008 DC Comics, Color 22 Pages Evil Adventus Part 2: Cataclysm Jim Shooter - Writer Francis Manapul - Penciller Livesay - Inker Nathan Eyring - Colorist Mike Marts - Editor Synopsis The mysterious snowboarder wakes up from hibernation on Triton while the Legion squad of Saturn Girl, Star Boy and Timber Wolf fights on, with Invisible Kid MIA. Imra grabs a blaster and blasts a bunch of aliens while the other two are joined by the newcomer, named Giselle, easily taking care of business. They seemingly defeat the aliens, who then start to adapt into sturdier opponents.  At HQ, Lightning Lad, Light Lass and Phantom Girl try to raise the team on Triton. Ayla tells Garth he needs to be tactful in his new political position. The UP comes by with some new, politically connected, recruits. Garth & co try them out and none of them seem to have any useful powers. Garth loses his temper in dismissing them and also angers the UP. He then meets latecomer M'Rissey The figh