Legion of Super Heroes v5 #39 - Evil Adventus Part 3! Karate Kid gets lucky! Yes, in THAT way!


Released February 27, 2008
DC Comics, Color
24 Pages

Evil Adventus Part 3: Downfall

Jim Shooter - Writer
Francis Manapul - Penciller
Livesay - Inker
Jo Smith - Colorist
Mike Marts - Editor


Projectra goes to a castle in Metropolis; presumably an embassy or home, only to find it guarded.  She terrorizes the guards to get in, only to find Councilwoman Sydne Ardeen waiting for her in an empty house - everything taken because of Projectra's massive debts. Sydne gives Projectra a choice - accept her advice and behave or continue to have outbursts and face the consequences.  

At HQ, a mysterious figure is at the monitor board.

Back on Triton, Imra and Brin are looking for their Invisible Kid, who soon arrives with Star Boy. The natives emerge from shelter to find their city in rubble. Brin talke to Giselle while the city manager rants to the media about the Legion and the freaks in their midst. Brin snaps and goes after the City Manager, but is stopped by Imra, who stops Brin and mind tricks the other Tritonians. Brin takes issue with what Imra did and kind of manhandles her, saying she had no choice.

In New Beijing, Earth, Element Lad, Colossal Boy and Ultra Boy are looking for a muskrew infestation while two bystanders look on. One muskrew is left and Gim goes after it, tracking it down to the pet of an underground gang, led by Kubla and Min, who immediately starts a brawl. Somehow Kubla gets the best of Gim and is able to steal his flight ring, but before Kubla can eliminate Gim, he shrinks to normal human size. Gim then takes out Kubla by surprise, but Min then knocks out Gim. Jo and Jan arrive to save the day.

Back at HQ, a skimpily dressed Ayla and Tinya are hanging around the common room as they can't sleep. Ayla is stressed by his brother as leader, and she hates not sleeping with anyone - yes in the sex sense. Luckily, along comes Val!  I guess they both get lucky!

The mysterious stranger is mystified about Projectra being in the Depot District when Garth comes in, but the mysterious stranger disappears.

Back to Projectra, she sees a store being looted in the Depot district. She admires the jewelry, and summons an illusion squad of SPs to subdue the looters.  Then she leaves after calling the real SPs, a looted bracelet on her wrist.


Pretty solid issue here.  We pick up exactly from #38, but add some interesting details.  We see that the team is not super accomodating to Imra's whims about when she uses her powers on her own teammates, which is a good thing. The thread of the mysterious interloper to move our way through the issue is well done, as we get to see who is where and dip into other aspects of the story, yet still don't know what that person's endgame is yet. Speaking of the story, the mission on New Beijing was portrayed as routine, but became an interesting action event, with Gim being suprisingly bested in that situation. I wonder if we're going to see Kubla & crew in the future? 

I will admit that I rolled my eyes at the Ayla/Tinya/Val scene.  I was in a coed dorm, and the girls NEVER lounged around the common area dressed like that.  Still, the quirk of Ayla sleeping around with the guys on the team was talked about a lot but never actually addressed directly in over three years of issues, so seeing this was actually a thumbs up.  I still think they totally missed the boat by not having any LGBT characters here or for Ayla to be bisexual if she is THAT obsessed with not sleeping alone.

Of course, the best part of this issue, as signaled by the cover, is Projectra's story, which bookends the whole thing. I'm glad that Shooter is addressing this, as she has basically turned into the "Reboot Element Lad" of this run. Her situation would surely have impact on someone of her class, and so we see it. Its a good move, and true to character, but the turn at the end to theft I feel is an ominous portent.

Manapul's art here is great. I'm really gelling with it and it really fits the narrative.

Some other items:

Imra seems quick to pull the trigger on chilling out her teammates when they get out of control.  First Jo, now Brin. The tension was good between Brin and Imra - and needed.  

Brin definitely is of the camp that doesn't respect Lyle. 

And we get the Shooter spin on adults v kids - this time the Legionnaires are freaks. Okay fine.  I thought we were going in a different path, but I guess we have to respect the continuity.  :rolleyes:

Jan not wanting to dirty his hands was funny. I don't think they ever really dialed in on that with Waid's writing, but it does seem to fit well with him.

I'm glad to see that Shooter has made an effort to connect his stories to the past continuity with the reference to the Dominator War on the lower levels of Metropolis.

Here we go again with the cheesecake - which I guess actually goes somewhere, with Ayla seducing Karate Kid. I liked this for the reason if you're going to talk the game for three years of issues, you may as well show it (the lead up, that is.  Get your mind out the gutter, you pervs!). 

Tinya is the history buff!  Who knew? I guess with Rokk gone, someone has to be that person.

The "Two at once" comment by mystery man?  Ok, slow your roll there, champ.

Overall Grade: A-.  Despite my thinking going into this run, I'm kinda digging what I'm seeing so far!


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