Hello World!

Hello and welcome!  

I'm Jim - you may know me on the social medias (Discord, Mastodon, etc) as JimboFett.  I'm an IT professional in my "real" life (whatever the hell that is), and am a big fan of most genre culture: TV (Star Trek, Twin Peaks), Movies (Star Wars) and comics (mainly DC).  I'm also a huge Legion of Super Heroes fan and came to the team with the 1994 reboot, so that team is my absolute favorite version, although I like all of them to varying degrees (and for various reasons).

Most of what I've been re-reading lately was the Abnett & Lanning version of the Legion as well as the Threeboot. I set this up as a challenge for myself in 2021, as I was not happy with either version of the team due to the changes made - I felt the DnA version was too dark and angsty and lasted too long, and I never understood the reason for the Threeboot, nor did I care for the characterizations. So as a result, I started to do read/reviews on the Legion World website for the run starting with the Legion Worlds limited series through the inglorious end of the Threeboot. 

I'll be reprinting these reviews here, albeit in limited form, as well as other posts for things that interest me - I'm very happy with the Star Wars content on Disney+, for example - so I'll be commenting on things like that.  I am also considering a re-read of the JSA run from the early 2000s, so stay tuned.  It's been ages since I've done a blog at all, so you may have to bear with me on the learning curve.

Because I am such a big Reboot Legion fan, I've also done a bit of fan fiction of that era, with the conceit that Legion Lost never happened.  You can find that here if you're interested (and thanks in advance for checking it out).  As of this writing, I've stalled in writing the last chapter of the main Starhaven story, but I will be returning to that soon.

So on with the show!


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