The Legion #35 - Hey, look! Gail's writing the Legion!!!


Released July 14, 2004
DC Comics, Color
23 Pages

For No Better Reason Part One - Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

Gail Simone - Writer
Dan Jurgens - Breakdowns
Andy Smith - Finishes
Sno Cone - Colors
Rob Leigh - Letters
Stephen Wacker - Editor


Karate Kid delivers a criminal named Pinter to the new Oasis One prison as an unknown 21-year old narrator gives us background.  We are told its thirty minutes "pre-Spike."   Pinter is an organ-stealer for his own use.  The prison can apparently be immediately vaporized by the UP President. 

Twenty Minutes pre-Spike: President Wazzo and her Durlan advisor arrive in Metropolis Hub for a ceremony honoring the Legion. Winema meets her daughter, Umbra, Ultra Boy, Chameleon, Violet, Brainiac 5.1 and Timber Wolf, all in nice civvie clothes. Tinya and Winema immediately are abrasive to Jo's amusement. Brainy expresses his unhappiness being there when he is contacted by Chuck and Gear, who have lost Dreamer's ring signal, because most of the rest of the Legion is away on mission.  The ceremony begins as a sniper takes aim at the president with an antique rifle. The new memorial is unveiled; a giant holographic display of the Legionnaires themselves; everyone is amazed at its size except for Timber Wolf.

Watching Trudy's newscast is Devil and Canary, who are holding Dreamer hostage. Devil has the Legionnaires' symbols painted on the wall. On Oasis One, Karate Kid hands over Pinter and meet's the Persuader's daughter on a visit to see him. One of Devil's scouts named Lantern keeps her in the loop about the situation at the plaza; Arrow is ready to take his shot. The Science Police makes him out and action ensues; Arrow directly attacks the SPs, Tinya rushes her mother to safety. Devil's narration tells us that Dreamer's abilities amplify Canary's.

Thirty seconds pre-Spike.  Trudy continues her newscast as events continue to unfold. Canary kisses Dreamer to amplify her powers which appear to act as an electromagnetic pulse across the plaza; SP weapons and Legion rings cease to function, power is lost on Oasis One. Arrow takes his shot that passes through a phased Tinya but hits her unphased mother.  Jo rescues Brin.  Vi attempts to contain Arrow, but Lantern zaps Vi and she is unable to attack. Brainiac 5.1 is apparently driven silly by the EMP. 

Trudy, who has been our narrator the entire issue, steels herself to do actual journalism when Violet falls, pinning Cham as he gets a child out of the way. Devil marks off Vi's symbol on her wall.  On Legion World, Chuck notes that the technology problem is getting worse, and they may have to evac the planet. Oasis One has minutes before the prison crashes to the ground as the staff evacuates without the prisoners as they break loose, but the damage done by the prison could be catastrophic to Metropolis as Winema lays dying.


The Legion 35 is the comic book version of a House of Cards. There is a lot to like here - I very much enjoyed the Jurgens/Smith artwork and the visual style of the storytelling really worked for me.  Jurgens also did a great job with the Legionnaires dressed up to party; the boys looked dapper, and Vi rocked the Little Black Dress and Tinya looked great in her outfit (I think its the most skin she's ever shown outside of being in swimwear).  But great visual storytelling can't help when something stupid happens.


That feels better.  Lots of other good bits in this story - the mystery of the narrator was really well done.  This is the first time someone other than DnA is using Trudy and Simone really fleshes her out here for the better. At first I was just amused by how she's used - the "Inferno hot" comment made me laugh - but by the end I wanted to see more of her story.  The villains are introduced somewhat interestingly, even though Devil and her crew seem to be nothing more than nihilists with names that deliberately evoke 21st century JLers. I *really* liked the EMP (or whatever it is) plot point - having a high-tech society have to deal without their tools usually a good Sci-Fi thread.

But at the end of the day, I can't get past the dumb, because as good as a lot of the rest of the issue is, I keep coming back to this stupid point.  And I feel like this is going to dog the rest of the issues.  This is a massive failure of Simone and/or Wacker. I'm also slightly annoyed that Gail is writing another story about the Legion's praises only in the context of the DnA world.  She's building on DnA's world, which was built on top of a large universe of itself that is not being acknowledged.  Not to mention history - "The Legion has shed its own blood" - yeah, like your daughter's during the first huge event of the Legion's history.  Also, the fact that its established that two Bgtzilians while both phased can touch, which is at the center of the massive idiot plot of this story.  The literally YEARS long habit of ignoring pre-DnA stories has come back to bite them here, and I can only imagine that it was an editorial mandate established by McAvennie and continued by Wacker. And this is disappointing, as I typically like Gail Simone's writing.  

A few other items: 

Dialogue on the cover - that's something we haven't seen in a LONG time on a Legion comic.

Year 3003.  That's interesting, as the publish date for this is mid 2004, so the writing MAY have been six months prior, but who knows?  The last time a specific year was mentioned was during Dream Crime which was April 2003, where they mentioned 2003.  We know the prior Wildfire story was apparently in the can for a while before it was drawn, so it may be the case for this as well.  We do know that Gail was NOT told that this storyline would end the book, and Waid was already writing the threeboot as this was being released.

"You may approach the rift" - Probably not the best phrase to say to a Legionnaire. :) 

Nice to see Winema has a Durlan advisor and apparently got rid of her Titanian boy-toy from Legion Worlds.

The Karahdian's powers (the mission the rest of the Legion is on) seem like a good mission for Kinetix to expend her hypertaxis powers. 

Interesting continuation of some of DnA's world themes like the newscast breadcrumb links.

Also interesting that Brin is standing in between Tinya and Jo. 

Very ironic that Winema says "Long Live the Legion"

Why would Vi be amazed at the size of the figures?  She can literally be that size. And is herself later.

Persuader's daughter has an interesting pattern on her face. I like the design of the character. 

So Canary has to kiss to absorb the Naltorian powers?  Okay... So we never saw a kiss between Ayla and Vi - EVER - and yet we get this.  Good job, DC. Sheesh.

Grade: C+.  The best storytelling and art can only save an idiot plot so much.


  1. It's funny you mention Winema not phasing. There are several times Levitz wrote Tinya not phasing and she is taken out. When it is a natural ability, it should come naturally.

  2. This is my problem with DnA/McAvennie/Wacker. They really didn't pay attention to any continuity prior to 1999. That was explicitly stated, but also from a safety precaution, a native Bgtzillian should be able to shift in moments of preservation. It's the one part of this whole thing that doesn't work for me. And I love Gail, but Steve Wacker fell down here, probably because he was busy prepping Waid's Threeboot.


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