Supergirl and the Legion of Super Heroes v5 #17 - Ayla gets jealous!


Released April 26, 2006
DC Comics, Color
23 Pages

Mark Waid - Writer
Barry Kitson - Penciller
Mick Gray - Inker
Nathan Eyring - Colorist
Stephen Wacker - Editor


The Legion attempts to infiltrate a Bot data ceremony when the Science Police barges in and makes chaos. Things get a little tense for the Legion when Supergirl arrives and disconnects the data transfer, saving the day. Supergirl still thinks this is all a figment of her imagination.

Back at HQ, they determine that Kara is who she thinks she is and we get a recap of the Superman/Supergirl origin. All of this, including her entry into the 31st century, has happened quite rapidly for her. 

Meanwhile, Element Lad and Shadow Lass are giving another recap of this society's isolation to Kara, who is convinced this is a dream. The word 'Braniac' makes for some confusion on Kara's part when a distant building collapses and she is on the scene to help out. The kid she saves, Seiss, apparently emits subsonic waves when he has indigestion which causes people to hate him and creates general chaos (dude, I can relate).

More Legionnaires arrive and Cosmic Boy gives more background on the Legion in this world. Cos floats Legion membership to Kara, which grates Ayla. A mysterious stranger recruits Seiss.

Back at SP HQ, Light Lass and Invisible Kid are looking at what intel has been found by a Legion mole in the SP. Supergirl saves a spill.  Lyle gushes over Kara while Ayla is annoyed by Kara's presence, further dissing her when Cos and Imra call with the announcement that Kara is an official Legionnaire. 

Elsewhere, the Dominators celebrate the delivery of their techno-organic payload.

Back on Earth, Kara arrives for her induction ceremony, but Ayla becomes Jealousy Lass by happily telling her that there are no Flight Rings and therefore no membership.  Vi promptly arrives with a delivery from Brainy - a flight ring.

The rest of the team determines that this is Dream Girl's ring.  Ayla stews.  


Again starting with the art. Kitson/Gray/Eyring nail the graphics here. 

Story is a little better than last issue here as Kara is acclimating to her new environment. One thing that stood out to me was if they had made this more a SP v Legion tension versus the Adults v Kids angle, it would have worked better.  The interplay between these teams is a little more on a closer level that this vague struggle of kids versus adults, so it makes the entry into the story a little easier. The opening sequence is kind of cool with the robots summoning their robot deity, and the SP officer asking for Kara's monograph was cute. 

The rest of the book was, for the most part, a recap of this world - its a sterile world they are trying to shake up, and anyone who wants to be a Legionnaire is a member. But only the special ones get flight rings. There were three other things that stood out - the gag with Seiss having indigestion powers was kind of funny, but the mystery recruiter was even more interesting. We are clearly being led to think that Kara is some kind of a Dominator plant. And finally, we get to see Ayla starting to turn into Bitch Lass by not being the best midriff on the team. All that saying, it was OK, but nothing really special other than the art.

Other interesting note - Brin Londo is officially referred to as Timber Wolf on the "roll call" page.

Grade - B-. Getting better. Although being honest, I want to get to the next issue to see Ayla get more bitchy.


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