Supergirl and the Legion of Super Heroes v5 #22 - Ultra Boy becomes Impotent Boy! (Or is it Impotence Lad?)

Released September 27, 2006

DC Comics, Color
23 Pages

Tony Bedard & Mark Waid - Script
Barry Kitson - Layouts
Adam DeKraKer - Pencils
Rob Stull & Rodney Ramos - Inks
Nathan Eyring - Colorist
Stephen Wacker - Editor


Val is thinking back to a year prior when he was dating Shadow Lass and they broke up. Now she's coming to him to consult about her relationship with Jo, as he's feeling insecure thinking himself insecure. Val suggests Jo has a crush on Kara, but he'll look into it.

In Metropolis, the kids debate the leader election as the Science Police try to disperse the crowds. A rogue Legionnaire tries to take matters into his own hands before Cos and Kara handle the situation. Kara kisses Cos on the cheek before taking the rogue back to HQ. Lyle proves to Cos that he's not in love with Kara; its some radiation interference. But its also revealed that Lyle is worshipping Kara, too and may have told Cos that to get rid of the competition.

The former Terror Firma, with Dirk in the lead, visits Narchus III, a Dominator colony that seems deserted. A large, muscular Dominator comes out of the jungle and attacks them, demanding to fight the real Legion.

Ayla and Kara watch Sunset from a rooftop when Tasmia arrives to talk to Kara. Val arrives and says Kara is urgently needed elsewhere.  "Elsewhere" is a moon where Jo is trying to handle an emergency himself. Val and Tasmia watch remotely as Jo and Kara take care of business. Kara starts to run down after a couple hours because she is not in a yellow sun. Jo's fragile ego is fixed. 

In the Narchus III system, Sun Boy's team is held captive on a space ship...


I found this to be a very average issue, as the art is great, especially the Kitson cover. Dekraker penciling the Kitson layouts works really well, but not a lot substantial happens here.  I will full on admit to bias here - a lot of this story centers around Ultra Boy and Shadow Lass' petty problems, and in the end patting the stupid Jo Nah of this run on the back for being a brainless twit versus having him develop was a waste of character development. Shadow Lass, who has the depth of a half filled kiddie pool, doesn't come off much better here. Still, the idea of this Jo Nah having impotence problems gave me a really good laugh, and Val sucker punching him felt great. 

Honestly, I was much more interested in Sun Boy's team, who as far as I'm aware don't have a name yet. And that thread - not the Legion's - is by far the more interesting of the book. Not a great sign when your title is "Legion of Super Heroes".

Sun Boy's uniform here is better than his Legion outfit. 

So did Ayla lure Kara so that Tas could talk to her?  Ayla beat it pretty quick, so Jo's impotence issues must be widespread knowledge. LOL  Kara seemingly being clueless about the emotional havoc caused in her wake is interesting, just because of all the disarray these selfish Legion kids are in.

Grade: C-.  Outside of the art, this title is starting to sour, and I'm positive that I am past where I dropped the initial run at this point. If you're not rooting for the team the book is named after, there is a problem in the characters or storytelling.


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