Supergirl and the Legion of Super Heroes v5 #23 - The Legion pulls a fast one on Kara!

Released October 25, 2006
DC Comics, Color
24 Pages

Mark Waid - Writer
Barry Kitson - Penciller
Mick Gray - Inker
Nathan Eyring - Colorist
Stephen Wacker - Editor


Kara wakes from a sleep pod and thinks she is back on Krypton, but quickly realizes she is on a relocated Kandor, as Ayla, Imra, Brainy and Rokk are there with her.  Brainy and Cos wanted to dispel Kara's notion that she was dreaming her reality, so they take her on a spaceship, expose her to Kryptonite (which is what Brin procured a few issues back) and sedate her for the trip to Kandor. Kara is very upset and is angry with the Legion, but especially Rokk, who she thought was falling for her. Rokk explains that it was just 'radiation' and seems to successfully convince Kara that her being on Kandor is for everyone's safety. Imra detects another mind.

Element Lad and Triplicate Girl are investigating the remains of the robot battle from a few issues ago. They run across a kid who can make plants grow, who seems to have someone else's agenda at heart. 

On Talok VIII we see Tasmia and Grev Mallor fighting to see who will be champion.  Tasmia wins and a feast is thrown with Vi in attendance. Atom Girl convinces her to run for leader.

Later, Rokk is beating himself up about his decision to put Kara through these tests when an alarm is triggered elsewhere in Kandor. The Legion squad heads to a museum and encounters the telepath Jeyra who we met in issue 19. She blocks Imra while her new friends help take out the Legionnaires. Imra can't seem to focus on taking down Jeyra because she keeps sensing the other presence from before. A familiar looking phantom begs to be freed.


We're back to a really solid issue here with 23.  I'm not sure what it is, but when its Waid writing and Kitson on art, without the crossovers into plotting and divvying up of creative responsibilities to multiple layers (plotting, layouts, dialog, etc) this book really shines. The last issue where I remember things clicking so well with a smaller team was probably around issue 8 or 9.  

The main thread of this story involving the Legion deceiving Kara was fascinating to me. The little bits of history - the lack of time travel capability, the resettling of Kandor - really worked for me as did the personal bits.  Ayla is there for her anti-grav powers to help them on the new planet, but Rokk is unhappy about the decision to put Kara under a microscope.  It's also clear that he DOES have feelings for her, despite what Lyle told him in the prior issue.  Rokk's feelings also brings up something interesting about this universe - that there seems to be a lack of clear affection between characters that goes past anything but sex. I mean, teenagers and all, sure, but in any given group you'll have at least one couple who are deeper "steadies." Garth and Imra *seem* to have a deeper relationship, but its not really explored in favor of the "who's sleeping with whom" noise that always seems to be in the background here. Bringing Jayla back after a few issues is great, as I find her a really cool villain, but we're not able to find more about what it is that she's up to as we're given the awesome cliffhanger of what looks like Mon-El in the phantom zone!

The secondary plots are also quite interesting. As Jan and Luornu explore the underground we seem to get the promise of a Legion infiltrator down the road. One third of Luornu canoodling with Jan, and the surprise by all involved, was a good touch.  It both calls back to their date in issue 3 ,but also seems to indicate that the Luornus seem to have their own interests and/or personalities, which is a nice callback to the reboot, and perhaps why her homeworld sisters didn't want to have anything to do with her when she returned to Cargg. 

The scene on Talok was enjoyable. We see a new side of Atom Girl and Tasmia. Tasmia actually seems more relatable and has a responsible side that is fresh.  Atom Girl is also has some depth added to her with her interest in getting to know Grev better as well as interacting with anyone other than Brainy. In any case, at least in this setting, the Shadow Girl/Atom Girl interplay seems to work well.

A couple other observations:

I think what is a bit unsettling about this version of Cosmic Boy is that his costume looks like he's sporting an alien version of the Punisher's shirt. 

Element Lad seems to be disintegrating the robot parts into gas, but it was mentioned earlier that his changes only last for a few minutes. It's a bit inconsistent.  Either its a retcon or he's developing his powers more, but we're not told about that. 

Interesting bit with Ayla - she's not happy about being dragged along and almost comes off a bit defensive of her attitude towards Kara.  

It seems like the "Adults v Kids" thing spreads to Kandor as well based on the "punks" comment by the museum curator.  This was a bit of an off-note for me given that they go to lengths to say that Kandor is a very isolated society. The intro blurb also tells that their dream is to "show the adults who's boss." It ain't working, IMO. Still the worst idea of this iteration.

Grade: A.  The first issue in a long time that has wanted me to immediately jump to the next issue.


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