Supergirl and the Legion of Super Heroes v5 #31 - The Quest Begins!

Released June 27, 2007

DC Comics, Color
22 Pages

Tony Bedard - Writer
Kevin Sharpe - Penciller
Robin Riggs - Inker
Nathan Eyring - Colorist
Mike Marts - Editor


Dream Girl tries to tell Brainiac 5 some information while he dreams, but he's interrupted by Star Boy regarding the disappearance of Cosmic Boy. Supergirl is the winner of the Legion Leader election, and she is told this by DoJ prosecutor Tenzil Kem. 

At the Metropolis Convention Center (temporary HQ) Kara offers the Wanderers and Terror Firmans Legion membership to help look for Cosmic Boy.  Tenzil is there to prove Rokk guilty of war crimes. Mekt, Dirk and Thom argue about who should be the leader. Brainy suggests three locations to look for Rokk.  The teams begin to come to blows before Kara settles everyone down. 

Team 1 - Brin, Vi and Shady head to Lallor and are immediately accosted by authorities but are observed by a mysterious group. 

Team 2 - Kara, Garth and Imra search the Gobi rainforest while Garth sulks about losing. Another mysterious person observes them remotely. 

Team 3 - Mekt, Dirk and Thom arrive at the Ranzz homestead on Winath, only to find Tenzil also searching for clues. 


We are definitely hitting a reset button of sorts with Tony Bedard writing the title and starting this new arc.  For one thing, we now have issues with titles, something that mostly has not been the case for the prior 2+ years of issues. Not much going on here, as its both a follow up and a setup issue.  We are following up on the leader election finding out that Kara is the new leader with new headaches she will have to deal with, and setting up a new story where the team searches for the vanished Rokk Krinn.  I'm not sure I'm a fan of Kara combining the teams, as they had nice distinctions between the groups, but the friction seems to have been retained between the characters. Garth, however, seems a bit of a whiner here, which is a new and unwelcome aspect. Threeboot Tenzil is a welcome face, but he seems eager to knock the Legion down a few pegs. It was neat to see him in a non-Legion role, yet one that still echoed a prior incarnation of lawyer. But the story, outside of finding out about Kara winning the election, was just so-so.

Sharpe's art was decent, but inconsistent, especially as more characters entered the frame.  Closeups or frames with just a couple characters looked pretty good.  Others did not, and especially towards the end; I don't know if he was trying to rush through some pages or not.

The cover by Kitson is a gorgeous group shot, but curiously has Cosmic Boy. 

Other notes:

The Letterer & editor have major gaffes here when they swap the word balloons between Garth and Mekt on page 10.

Brin tries to choke out the hermaphroditic nurse.  That definitely didn't age well to today...

What's up with VI's pose on page 15?  It's like she's in an issue of Girls With Guns or something... Literally no one would be doing that in a hospital. I do like Vi referring to herself as one of the "Meanest mothersprokkers" on the team, though.

Lyle was good here - we find out he's getting a new arm and that Brainy shouldn't be fully trusted. 

Overall Grade = C. Average all around.


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